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The Environmental Impact of Plastics

Throughout my career, I have been privileged to travel around the world visiting beautiful countries, seeing incredible animals and stunning landscapes and I wholeheartedly believe in protecting and preserving these areas of natural beauty for generations to come. Over the last five decades it has been estimated that 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic has been manufactured and with more than twelve million tonnes going into the oceans every year, there could be more plastic than fish by 2050* - an extremely alarming thought! Day to day, I try to limit the amount of plastic I use, whether I’m at home or at my pub. I try to shop for home grown, local produce to reduce my carbon footprint in any...

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A Very British Blanket Tale.

Do any of you have another half who loves to drive with the temperatures turned down or is it just my husband? Whatever the outside temperature, he loves to drive in a cold car and before zoned heating we used to have a rule that the driver selected the temperature - unless of course I was driving when the knobs were regularly tuned down by the passenger ! So, for years I have always carried a blanket in the car. Not for anysmall children .....they are all grown up now and there are no grandchildren ( as yet!) ...but for me, to throw over me when the air temperature is chilly and, despite the advent of climate control and heated...

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Our Very British Journey Into Gift Wrapping

When Englana was born, our aim was to create beautiful products , using exclusively British raw materials and skills, that would last a lifetime. That statement and goal sounds so simple doesn't it? In reality it took years to find the right raw materials and the skilled craftsmen and women to work with us to make our Englana brand come to life.  I had a dream as they say, and as our products took shape we started to develop our website- our shop window to the world that would showcase our products, our ethos, our brand. We had everything sorted ...or so I thought! One day my husband, Co- founder and the pragmatic, practical one ( the one who said as we...

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The World’s Most Fashionable Wellness Retreats

With the emergence of so many new retreats, it can be a tough task picking the right destination, even for experienced wellness travellers. While reading through tons of internet ratings seems to be the obvious solution, the contradicting reviews will leave you rather undecided than determined. Luckily, Health and Fitness Travel, the wellness holiday specialists, is here to make your lives that little bit easier

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Travel in Style: With the Hamilton

  When traveling by air, for work or for pleasure, it is essential to have a piece of luggage or a set you know you can rely on. More and more people are finding problems with luggage at airports and on flights, which can delay your trip and set your plans back. The worst way to start any trip is with added and unnecessary stress. Read on to find out about the problems you could run into when traveling, and the stylish solution…     The Problem... Traveling light can be tricky, which means more and more of us are choosing to take carry-on luggage as well as putting a bag in the hold. Although some savvy people opt for...

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